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Les étudiants doivent choisir 4 UEs, qui représentent au total 30 ECTS, dans la liste ci-dessous. Ces UEs sont réparties en deux catégories, dont des enseignements généraux assurant aux étudiants participants d’acquérir les savoirs de base nécessaires pour la suite de leur formation.

Veuillez noter que les 2 UE obligatoires sont disponibles chaque année, mais la disponibilité des UE optionnelles peut varier d'une année sur l'autre. Veuillez contacter le(s) responsable(s) de l’échange pour connaître la disponibilité des UE pour l'année en cours.


The class examines selected topics on the ecology and evolution of marine and freshwater fishes.

Ecology and evolution of fishes (MARI 3080)

This class considers the ecology, utilization, and management of natural resources in fisheries, wildlife and forest management, agriculture and aquaculture.

Resource ecology (MARI 3063)

This course examines the characteristics and the roles of marine mammals in oceanic ecosystems and general principles of marine mammal population biology.

Marine mammalogy (MARI 3090)

Lectures on the ecology of microbes and microbial communities, including archaea, bacteria, viruses and unicellular eukaryotic algae, and protists.

Microbial ecology (MARI 3101)

This course offers a lecture-based introductory overview of aquaculture; culturing and rearing of aquatic plants and animals.

Introduction to aquaculture (MARI 3602)

Enseignements généraux

The power and prominence of modern genetics have grown from a blend of classical and molecular approaches; both approaches are emphasized.

Genetics and molecular biology (BIOL 2030) - obligatoire

This course introduces a number of techniques for data analysis and inference commonly used in the experimental sciences.

Statistical methods for data analysis and inference (STAT 2080) - obligatoire

Ecology examines interactions of plants and animals, including humans, with each other and with their non- living world.

Introduction to ecology (BIOL 2060)